
Animal and Pet Portrait Painting

Artisan Santa Fe, 2601 Cerrillos Rd., Santa Fe, NM

Animal and Pet Portrait Painting

with Martha Reich at Artisan Santa Fe 2601 Cerrillos Road

November 1st, 2019 from 1 to 4PM for $99 + tax all mat. incl.

Join Martha Reich for a painting class focusing on capturing the essence of your beloved pet or favorite animal! You will be using acrylics on canvas. Bring in a photograph of your pet or pets, or of an animal that speaks to your heart. We will explore the many ways you can express the feelings you have for this special being by using color, space, graphics, expressive brush strokes, and your imagination. The photo(s) you bring to class with be used as a reference for your painting/s along with the experiences you've had with these precious animal companions. Any level artist is welcome. Max 12

*No refunds after October 28th
Student Parking on Maclovia Street only. Register online:

$99 plus Tax all material included